Advanced diagnostic scanner developed
In the project Future Skills and Sustainable development in the Green Salonsť we developed an advanced diagnostic scanner to make an inventarisation of the status of health & safety and environment in a salon and educational institute.
The scan is a tool developed to promote awareness and to mirror your positition in your salon with regard to Health, Safety and Environment.
Accordingly, the scan has been made for hairdressers, interns, salon owners and hairdressing schools to give them the opportunity to measure their knowledge, actions and behaviours towards sustainable hairdressing. In addition, the scan offers instant feedback and information to improve the hairdressers “know-how”.
To begin, you can choose one of three levels. We recommend you to start with level 1 and depending on the results go forward to level 2 and 3. Everytime you complete a level you´ll get a score and feedback on your own situation.
To start the diagnostic scanner, click here!